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Teens Invited to Participate in Idaho Falls 4th of July Parade with JustServe

Teens Invited to Participate in Idaho Falls 4th of July Parade with JustServe

Published online: May 17, 2023 Discover Idaho Falls
Viewed 1311 time(s)

All teens from the Greater Idaho Falls community are invited to join the JustServe Teens in the upcoming Idaho Falls Independence Day parade. Participating teens will be given a high quality JustServe t-shirt to wear that day and for ongoing events. Those who have participated in years past should wear their JustServe t-shirts. 

JustServe Teens are eager to celebrate the birth of our nation and the opportunity to serve in our community. Call or text Dave at 208 569-4427 for more information and to arrange to pick up shirts.

Service opportunities for nonprofits, community leaders, and religious organizations are posted at Every resident 13 years and older is invited and encouraged to register on that site. This resource is available to the entire community for selection of projects that are of interest to them.

If you know of a nonprofit that has volunteer needs, please contact us at


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