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The Jeremy Taylor School Lunch Project

Published online: Feb 15, 2024 Articles
Viewed 1224 time(s)

The Idaho Falls Magazine crew was fortunate enough to see The Jeremy Taylor School Lunch Project stop by Eagle Rock Middle School to make an impactful donation!

Jeremy Dresen set out to make a difference in the lives of students and their families in our community a few years back when he started The Jeremy Taylor School Lunch Project. "I want to make a bigger difference," he said. "With the support of the community and some local business owners, there has been a positive impact on hundreds of kids and their families.”

To date, The Jeremy Taylor School Lunch Project has raised $8,000, enough to cover 2,600 lunches. 100% of proceeds benefit local students and their families, and Jeremy is ambitious to change the lives of hundreds more with the support of the community. 

For more information or to donate, head to


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