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Sara Cervantes Thrives in The Urban Nook

Published online: Mar 01, 2024 East Idaho Business Maudie Heard
Viewed 1462 time(s)

The most special nights call for the most special looks. From your outfit to your make-up to your nail color and hairstyle, each detail boosts your confidence. From the time you’re in high school getting ready for the big school dance to those Saturday nights out at a new restaurant with your girlfriends, these are the memories you’ll want to remember forever—and look your best for. 

Getting ready for an event with your friends while sharing laughs, clothes and make-up is half of the fun of a night out. During her high school years, Sara Cervantes, stylist and owner of The Urban Nook salon, reminisces about those fun nights of getting ready for prom. “Back in high school I was the one who got ready the very last,” Sara said. “Styling was fun and came naturally to me, and I decided that’s what I wanted to do.”

Coming from a long line of artists in her family, Sara felt called to express her own inner-artist and became a professional hairstylist many years ago. 

Sara’s natural talent for cutting and styling hair became a dream to open her own salon one day, and in 2014, that dream came true with the opening of The Urban Nook. Located in the heart of Downtown since 2018 is this unique beauty salon where a sisterhood of stylists share a passion for helping others express their beauty. 

This one-of-a-kind nook was completely renovated before its opening on Mar. 1, 2018, creating a cozy, welcoming and trendy space. “It was honestly by chance that I stumbled upon this space but I fell in love with it,” Sara said. “We started with architects because we had to completely gut it and design the space.”

Sara’s role as both a stylist and business owner is the definition of a ‘girlboss,’ but what she cherishes the most is being able to be creative and her relationships with her clients. “You get to be creative and do what you love to do and you get to know your clients so well and they become your friends,” Sara said. “All around, it’s a good gig.”

And through the inevitable challenges of being a business owner, Sara is the most proud of thriving in business during COVID-19. “The restrictions were really hard, so to survive it and not only survive it, but to do well during that time was big,” Sara said. 

With tact and integrity, Sara runs a busy salon that inspires other women to be creative, ambitious and to chase their dreams, all while looking and feeling their best. “We’re like a family here,” Sara said. “We all get along and know about each other’s lives and we're just all genuinely friends.”

To other women wanting to start their own business, Sara’s advice is to have a solid plan and be okay with depending on yourself. “Accept help when it’s offered but don’t expect it,” Sara said. “If you do get offered help, be super grateful.”

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