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Business in the Digital Age

Q&A with Shea Jones, founder of Spice Haus Media

Published online: Mar 05, 2024 Business
Viewed 1068 time(s)

Since the beginning of the internet, the world of business has been revolutionized and now more than ever, businesses can benefit from the massive influence of popular social media platforms. We sat down with owner of Spice Haus Media, Shea Jones, to learn more about how social media can benefit businesses. 

IFM: What is your job and what exactly do you do?

SJ: I am a creative social media agency owner of Spice Haus, (pronounced Spice House.)

My team and I create content and manage small businesses social media pages, specifically through Instagram and TikTok. We help passionate and authentic business owners get more online exposure and make their ideal customers fall in love with their brands. So we strategize and curate creative content for them in order to completely overhaul their social media platforms and build a community of invested followers. 

IFM: How is social media an important factor for businesses?

SJ: As a buyer or as a customer, you want to feel some sort of emotion or connection to either the product you're buying or who you're going to go visit, for instance, a hair appointment or whatever that may be. And the best way to portray that emotion or connection is through social media. It's so important for small business owners, especially when they're first starting, to get that exposure, get their name out, and do it creatively and authentically. 

IFM: What is the difference between a business who has an active social media presence vs. a business that doesn’t?

SJ: These social media platforms are big search engines, just like Google. As millennials and Gen Z, we're looking for things through social media, through TikTok, through Instagram or through Pinterest so it’s become a place where businesses can be found more easily when they’re active online. Secondly, a social media page just shows that you really care about your customers, your clients and your consumers. That resonates with the consumers and that's what makes somebody want to repurchase and support their business again. 

IFM: What types of businesses should have a presence online?

SJ: All businesses.

I think it's critical, especially for those small businesses in a local area to really portray their vision, their beliefs and what they stand for. And these are the things that make you want to support these businesses as a buyer. 

IFM: What are the benefits of having a social media manager vs. trying to do it yourself?

SJ: As a business owner, you are already working on a thousand different things—especially as you're trying to grow. Social media is always changing and it’s hard to stay up to date. It's nice to have a social media manager who does that for a living and who is following the trends and following the algorithm changes. This way, you can allow them to implement what they think is best rather than you having to go and learn all the information, learn about all these different apps and all the features. I think it's important to hire somebody who specializes in the product or the service that you’re offering and then hire somebody that specializes in those social platforms. 

IFM: How can a business consult with Spice Haus about their social media goals?

SJ: My website has an inquiry form that you can fill out, then I will reach out to you and we do a discovery call, where we get to know each other to see if we're a good fit. We'll talk about your goals, your vision and what you want to portray to your buyers or customers—or you can message me on Instagram.

Head to for more information. 


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