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Made to Move

Published online: Feb 02, 2024 Health & Wellness Maudie Heard
Viewed 1169 time(s)

A balanced lifestyle looks different for everybody but one thing remains the same—the need for movement. Whether you enjoy golfing, playing basketball, weight training or just walking your dog regularly, the long list of physical activities are never going out of style. 

“A lifestyle of exercise is important for everybody,” Robby Denning, Personal Training Director with Club Apple said. “Exercise is just what we’re made to do.”

Incorporating regular exercise into our lives has a profound effect on not only our physical health, but our mental health and wellbeing, too.

Finding the time in your schedule to move your body in a way you enjoy is key. “People need half an hour of activity three to six times a week,” Robby said. “You can start with simply 30 minutes a day, three to six days a week. That's going to get you on the board, and then from there, follow your interests.”

Following your interests is another important factor to making time for movement into our busy lives. “If you find the right dose of exercise and the right kind of exercise that you like, it's going to make you feel better,” Robby said.

Whether or not you’re someone who prefers going to the gym, there are so many activities outside of the gym that can give you those same benefits—take it from Robby’s experience. “I want to go down to the river in the summer and walk around with my wife. I want to ride my bike to work. I want to go hunting and hike the hills,” Robby said. “I want to be able to do all that stuff, and that's the reward for taking care of my body.”

Aside from the physical benefits of movement, exercise is also proven to improve our mental health. “I can't make a better  recommendation for treating mental health than exercise itself,” Robby said. “Exercise is such an important piece of the puzzle to mental health, and on top of the natural endorphins that are released, the community and connection here is great for your mental health.”

The community at the gym creates an opportunity to meet new friends or to join group classes and programs, resulting in a better sense of belonging and confidence. 

Robbie’s advice to someone who might be intimidated of going to the gym is this, “If you have a friend that's going to the gym, ask if you can go. If you don't have a friend that's going to the gym, get your girlfriend or your friend and say, ‘Hey, let's go. Let's do this. Let's do this together.’”

“We’re made to move.”

For more information on Club Apple, visit


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