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A Lifetime of Collected Memories

Story and Photos By Maudie Heard

Published online: Nov 01, 2023 Best of IF, History
Viewed 2221 time(s)

For 20 years, the Collectors’ Corner Museum has been displaying unique collectible items from each and every era. On Nov. 11 2003, Nida and Jim Gyorfy, owners of Collectors’ Corner Museum, opened their doors to share their passion with the community and the world. 

Celebrating the museum’s 20-year anniversary, Nida and Jim reflect on their journey as collectors.

“We opened on November 11th, 2003 and at that point we only had 25 collections to display,” Nida said. Over the years, Nida and Jim continued to collect and received many generous donations in between.

Today the museum displays 130 plus collections, 30 of which came from donations alone. “In the beginning we never anticipated that people would come through the museum and either bring us items to donate or donate whole collections,” Nida said. “We’re truly blessed with what has been brought in the door and donated to the collections.”

The abundance of collections allures history lovers from all over the world.

People from all walks of life have been allured by the countless displays in the museum ranging from antiques, bears, coins, dolls, military artifacts, stamps, tools, toys and much more. “We have a building full of memories,” Jim said.

Nida and Jim’s dedication and passion for collecting both began when they were kids.

“Jim was eight when he started with coins, stamps and trains,” Nida said. “I was about six when I started with dolls and teddy bears and just expanded from there.”

When Nida and Jim married 63 years ago, they combined their love and passion for collecting, creating an undeniable source for knowledge.

“A true collector looks everywhere they go,” Nida said. “You train yourself by going to museums and reading everything you can on that particular collection so you know what you are looking for.”

By preserving the past, the museum is filled with nostalgia. Featuring a Barbie room with nearly 400+ items from the invention of Barbie in 1959 until now and another room with a yearly rotating exhibit are just two of the many attractions the museum has to offer. “People will see a toy from their past and it takes them right back to their childhood,” Nida said. “It generates a lot of memories.”

The historical and cultural value of the past sits right in the middle of the Idaho Falls community at 900 John Adams Parkway and this one-of-a-kind museum has something for everyone to explore.

Looking to the future, the museum will one day be passed down to Nida and Jim’s sons who will continue to preserve the many memories held here.

“We meet folks who ask us, ‘Why do you collect?’” Jim said. “These are the five reasons why; One, it’s fun. Two, it’s a challenge. Three, it’s educational. Four, it’s good for the museum. Five, it keeps us active.”

For more information about the museum, head to or


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