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How to Sleep Better

Tips to improve your quality of sleep

Published in the February 2023 Issue Published online: Feb 04, 2023 Health & Wellness
Viewed 656 time(s)

By IFM Staff

Sleep is as important to your wellbeing as eating healthy and exercising. Sleeping is essential because while asleep, both the mind and the body are working to restore and replenish themselves. This is why you feel energized after a good night’s rest.

Lack of sleep can lead to undesired symptoms like fatigue, trouble concentrating, or suffering from headaches. The effects of not enough sleep can be harmful but they do not have to be permanent.

Sleep is a critical part of your body’s overall health. Prioritizing your sleep will benefit your mind and body because they both rely on sleep to function properly. Getting quality sleep every night will make noticeable positive changes in your daily life.

There are several ways to improve the quality of your sleep. More quality sleep can improve your memory, mood and overall health, so be sure to add the following sleep tips to your routine.

Set a Sleep Schedule

Set a time to go to sleep and a time to wake up. Setting a consistent schedule for sleep can help you to fall asleep and stay asleep. Try setting aside seven to eight hours of sleep to improve your mood and reduce your stress.

Increasing the amount of sleep you get every night will improve your focus during the day. Brain health is especially supported when the body is well rested.

Limit Caffeine

Limit the amount of caffeine you drink during the day. Lowering your caffeine intake can significantly improve your quality and quantity of sleep.

Caffeine can negatively affect your sleep cycle if you consume too much of it. Caffeine is known to disrupt your sleep cycle by keeping you awake at night.


Set aside time during the day for movement you enjoy. Choose an activity you enjoy such as walking or biking to add to your daily routine and you’ll feel the difference.

Moving your body during the day will support your sleep cycle. Taking the time to exercise makes it easier for your body to fall asleep and stay asleep at night.

Create a Sleep Routine

Unwind the hour before you plan to fall asleep. There are many activities you can practice before your sleep time to destress and help you sleep better. Ditch the electronics, light a candle, or play some music before bed.

Creating a sleep routine will help the body relax before it is time to fall asleep. Even spending 15-30 minutes doing self-care before bed will improve your quality of sleep.

Spend Time Outside

Increase your exposure to sunlight. Spending more time exposed to sunlight during the day can improve your sleep by improving your body’s internal clock. Try spending 15-30 minutes outside and if that is not an option—try investing in bright light bulbs for your home.

Supporting the body’s natural clock is an effective way to improve sleep. When you are consistent with your daily routine, your body knows when to fall asleep and when to wake up.

If all else fails, there are supplements you can take to get your sleeping schedule back on track, but be sure to not overuse them. If sleeping supplements are used too often the body will start to rely on them. The best way to improve your quality of sleep is to practice habits that support a healthy lifestyle.


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