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FREE Idaho Safety Boater Class

Published online: Feb 02, 2023 Articles, Discover Idaho Falls, Lifestyle
Viewed 1720 time(s)
Web Exclusive

Source: Idaho Water Sports

The Cassia County Sheriff's Office, in partnership with the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation and Idaho Water Sports, will be offering a FREE Boater Safety Class. This 8-hour class will educate new boat owners, paddlers and the general public on all aspects of safe boat operations, navigational rules, water survival and legal requirements for operating a boat on Idaho waters. Graduates will receive a proof of completion card.

Pre-registration is required. Students who complete the class will receive a $50 Gift Certificate from Idaho Water Sports.

To register please contact Lt. Taylor at 208-878-1136,

February 4th
March 4th
April 1st
April 29th


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