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Thunder Ridge High School Boys Basketball Presents Fifth Annual PINK NIGHT Cancer Awareness and Fundraiser

Evening will honor and raise funds for local one-year-old cancer patient

Published online: Jan 10, 2023 Discover Idaho Falls, Events
Viewed 2007 time(s)

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho, Jan. 10, 2022 — The Thunder Ridge High School Boys Basketball Program is pleased to present its fifth annual PINK NIGHT, a community cancer awareness and fundraiser, on Friday, Jan. 13, 2023. The evening will raise funds for a local pediatric cancer patient and will include a silent auction beginning at 6 p.m. as well as a special Varsity game half-time presentation.

“We are thrilled to support the Thunder Ridge Boys Basketball program in its fifth annual PINK NIGHT,” said Douglas McLaren, principal of Thunder Ridge High School in Ammon. “Every year, we are in awe of our generous community that comes together to help those in need.”

This year’s PINK NIGHT honors one-year-old Ivy Banks, who is battling a rare brain cancer. Ivy was recently diagnosed with an embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes (ETMR). The newly classified brain tumor develops in embryo and includes rosettes that can break away and cause more tumors in the brain or spine. To date, Ivy has completed multiple surgeries and three rounds of chemotherapy, to which she has responded well. Her next brain surgery is scheduled for Jan. 13, 2023, the day of the PINK NIGHT event.

“One of my favorite parts of coaching is teaching my players to find ways to make a difference in their communities,” said Lee Toldson, head coach and program director for Thunder Ridge Boys Basketball. “PINK NIGHT lets us come together as a team and community to show support to cancer victims and let them and their families know they are not alone.”

Attendees are encouraged to wear pink to the event to show unified community support with a “sea of pink” in the gymnasium. A generous sponsorship by Rockwell Homes will provide complimentary PINK NIGHT T-shirts for the first 500 attendees.

PINK NIGHT is also supported by The Shannon Wilker Foundation, which was organized in 2016 in honor of the late Shannon Wilker, who passed away from breast cancer on July 20, 2011. Founded by Shane Wilker, widower of Shannon Wilker, the Foundation provides temporary assistance to local cancer patients and their families through financial support for medical expenses, lodging, travel costs, day care, counseling and support groups.

The Jan. 13th basketball game will feature the Thunder Ridge Titans and the Bonneville Bees. The Freshman and Junior Varsity games will begin at 6:00 p.m. with the Varsity game beginning at approximately 7:30 p.m.

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