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Summer Activities in Eastern Idaho

Published in the June 2022 Issue Published online: Jun 08, 2022 Arts & Culture, Discover Idaho Falls, Discover Idaho Falls: Parks and Recreation, East Idaho Outdoors, Family Fun Guide, Outdoors Annie Carbutt
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FOR ME, JUNE IS ALWAYS A TIME OF EXPLORATION AND PLAY.  Because my husband and I both have birthdays in June, this month holds extra sparkle and meaning for us. It’s a time to relax, wander, and try new things. It’s a time for throwbacks to favorite childhood activities. Personally, I am not above the little joys that make the five-year-old in me happy, like blowing bubbles or playing hopscotch. (I think we all have a five-year-old in us that’s eager for playtime now and then).

One thing I especially love about living in Idaho Falls is the access I have to beautiful parks and trails that really facilitate the kind of play that summer is all about. The River Walk will always be on my list of top five places to walk in Idaho Falls. The view is amazing, and I’m a sucker when it comes to watching the ducks waddle down into the water while they happily quack along. I also have to say, a sunset with the falls in the foreground is unbeatable. Nobody has sunsets like Idaho.

The Cress Creek Trail is another favorite local trail of mine. My family has made some great memories there, hiking the very accessible trail and learning about the different flora and fauna through the educational information posted along the path. The view at the top of the trail is a great reward for the short hike. (Tip: If you’re willing to dress appropriately and brave the trail on a rainy day, you’ll have it all to yourself and you’ll get the extra sensory experience of that fresh rain-in-the-mountains smell).

I never have to look far for a great list of weekend family activities. The Idaho Falls Zoo is one of the first places I get the itch to visit when the summer months roll around—I just can’t get enough of the penguins and the parrots. First-Thursday Gallery Walks and Saturday mornings at the Farmer’s Market are also an enjoyable, relaxing way to spend a weekend with the family.

When it comes to fun evening activities, my family is always game for a round of glow-in-the-dark frisbee at Freeman Park. We also love stargazing, and while it’s a bit more of an excursion, there’s no better place than Craters of the Moon National Monument for a star party; Craters offers some of the best views for summer stargazing anywhere around as one of the few International Dark Sky Parks in, not just the nation, but the world.

In this issue of Idaho Falls Magazine, we explore great summer activities for you and your family to take part in. This includes everything from road trip destinations to profiles on new local spots to explore. Whatever your budget might be, we know you will find a way to get out and enjoy our beautiful area.


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