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Christmas Tree Disposal Locations

Published online: Dec 27, 2021 Articles, Business, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2686 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLS - Although discarded Christmas trees cannot be placed in with the regular garbage due to the process for handling garbage at the Bonneville County Transfer Station, the Sanitation Division has designated 15 collection sites throughout the city of Idaho Falls for Christmas tree disposal.

This service is provided until Jan. 30. The disposal sites are for city resident’s use only and are not to be used by commercial tree lots for disposal of trees not sold.

Residents are asked to remove all ornaments and lights prior to discarding the tree. The trees will be chipped and turned into mulch. The mulch will then be made available to residents next spring at the city maintenance garage located at 2530 Hemmert Avenue. 

Click HERE for a map of collection sites. A link to the list of disposal locations is also on the home page of the city’s website. For additional information about Christmas tree disposal or mulching, contact the Sanitation Division at (208) 612-8491.


Soccer fields parking lot off Old Butte Road

Washburn Avenue & Michael Street (Reinhart Park)

Fremont Avenue (by recycling bin north of Science Center)

W. Elva Street (Melaleuca Field parking lot)

N. Water Avenue & Chestnut Street (NE corner)

W. 13th Street & N. Placer Avenue

10th Street & Emerson Avenue

17th Street & Emerson Avenue

S. Boulevard & Rogers Street

Bennett Avenue & Waid Street

Sunnyside Park (by Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center – SE corner)

South of 1st Street (west side of Meppen)

Sykes Drive & Davidson Drive

Ashment Avenue & 12th Street

Russet Street & Lincoln Drive


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