IDAHO FALLS - Idaho Falls' oldest race is ready to run again this Saturday, June 12. Beginning at 7:30 A.M. at Snake River Landing, organizers are ready to welcome runners back. Originally launched as the Bridge-to-Braves race in 1988 by Development Workshop Inc., it was a fundraiser to support programs and services. Now staged by Live Forward Performance, a portion of the registration will be donated to DWI
Pre-registered Runners may pick up their race packet at DWI 555 W. 25th St. this Friday June 11, from 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Registrations will also be accepted that evening. Volunteers will also be welcomed. Please refer to the website www.liveforwardperformace.net/event/2021-scenic-river-classic
Development Workshop is a nonprofit agency with a mission of assisting individuals who have a disability or who are disadvantaged to recognize and to achieve their chosen level of economic and social independence.