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Getting Nosey with The Knowsy Neighbors

Murdock Manwaring Company’s combination of video and real estate

Published online: May 04, 2021 Articles, Home And Garden, Lifestyle Emily FitzPatrick
Viewed 5177 time(s)

There is one fact most everyone in Idaho Falls is aware of—the housing market here is booming. People are buying and selling homes at a speedy rate with homes disappearing off the market in a matter of days instead of the usual weeks or months. 

When making a decision that can impact your life in the long-term you need all of the information you can get and someone you can trust, two of the foundations behind the formation of Murdock Manwaring Company’s The Knowsy Neighbors.

The Conception of The Knowsy Neighbors

Who are The Knowsy Neighbors? The group consists of Murdock Manwaring Company’s small team—Jessica Cardon, Chad Murdock, Tommy Cardon and Jeremy Manwaring. Together the group produces videos of interviews with local businesses, showcasing the many offerings of the Idaho Falls area. The videos began as recordings on cell phones and have evolved to video taken with professional equipment by Jessica’s husband Tommy. As their popularity grew, so did the need for high-quality video projects in areas outside of The Knowsy Neighbors. 

Their videos typically begin with Jessica Cardon standing in front of a local business. From there, she takes viewers inside, interviewing business owners and giving exclusive looks at the perks you will receive when you take the time to visit. 

“We really believe that as real estate agents we’re supposed to know what’s going on,” said Jessica Cardon. “...We made a gamble and invested in local companies for free. And if we were able to help them and their business and spotlight them and do a professional video on them, then they would then know who we are and then trust us enough to send their friends and family and their own real estate needs to us.”

The name for The Knowsy Neighbors came as a play on words of the nosey neighbors who will attend real estate showings simply to get a look at what is available around them rather than an interest in purchasing a home. The term nosey neighbors was coined long ago by real estate agents, so it felt natural for the team to make it their own. 

A Video Ruled World

In a world where so much media is competing for our attention, it is easy to turn down a new shopping experience if we don’t know what to expect. The videos produced by the Manwaring Murdock Company are meant to not only be a resource for their clients, but also alleviate that anxiety for those considering shopping at small businesses, easing them into the unknown virtually. 

When asked what advice the group has to give for small business owners, they can all agree on one thing everyone should be doing—posting more video content on their website and social media. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, are putting more promotion behind video content, because they want to compete with YouTube. It’s even better if you go live on Facebook, which leads your video to pop up at the top of your follower’s feeds

“I produced 351 videos last year,” said Tommy Cardon. “It’s essential, especially in real estate. I don’t know how you can be a realtor in this market and compete without it. Video provides realistic presentations. Pictures lie. But if you’ve viewed a video, you’ve walked through the house, there’s no math.”

Giving Back to the Community

The Knowsy Neighbor videos aren’t just a hit with locals. They’re also popular with the local businesses for obvious reasons. The free advertising draws in new visitors and boosts them up during what has been a relentless year. But why give this service away?

“It’s in line with our culture, which is just to give,” said Chad Murdock. “We want to help. We love Idaho Falls. We were pretty much all raised here. We love what’s happening and this is a way that as we grow, we can give back and it just works with our business model.”

What’s Next?

Business is continuing to boom thanks to a combination the current state of the housing market and the team’s work ethic, but that doesn’t mean the team is about to get complacent with where they’re at. The group is already planning and brainstorming how they can make what they’re doing now bigger and better.

“You’re not just buying a house, you’re buying a community,” said Jessica Cardon. “And we love to show what that can mean. For the next-level of The Knowsy Neighbors, we’re putting together a concept of Experience Idaho Falls. And so it will be booklets that tie to videos that tie together. It’s all about getting to know the people and the area.” 

For More Information

Murdock Manwaring Company, a Real Estate Group at Keller Williams Realty East Idaho

165 N Holmes Ave • 208-538-2112

Click here to read the May issue of Idaho Falls Magazine


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