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Beautifying Your Patio

Advice from a local DIY enthusiast

Published online: Aug 17, 2020 Articles, Home And Garden Missy Poulsen
Viewed 3672 time(s)

As the hustle of summer transitions to a steadier routine, I find myself lingering on the patio as long as possible. Even though we are in the last month of summer, I feel like the best patio weather is still to come. With that being said, I highly recommend having a space in your yard that can be a sanctuary for you and your family. 

No matter your budget, anyone can create a beautiful space that invites those you love to sit and visit. When I designed this space, I pictured my family sitting around enjoying a glass of lemonade as we plan out our last few adventures before school starts. 

As I start a new project, I choose a focal point and plan the rest of the space around it. For this project, I felt like it was the wood slatted wall. I used inexpensive pine one-by-three wood slats that you can find at any hardware store. Next, I look for inspiration. For this, I turn to social media like Pinterest and Instagram or design magazines. 

Pay attention to what you feel drawn to as far as style and color. You will find yourself saving similar photos as you scroll. As yourself the following:

  • Are you attracted to one color scheme? 
  • Is it the style of furniture? 

Find out what is similar in all of the photos you like for that particular space. For me, I knew I wanted a black patio set and lots of greenery. 

Next, I turn to thrift stores and online selling platforms like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. I scored this patio set (pictured left) on Facebook Marketplace for $125. All it needed was a coat of spray paint! The table and chairs were another Facebook Marketplace find. If you’re willing to be flexible with what you’re looking for and able to use some elbow grease, you can find some pretty good deals. 

Once you have the main furniture pieces in place, it’s just a matter of filling in the blank spaces. An area rug isn’t necessary, but it grounds the space and can tie everything together. For the planters and throw pillows, I go to stores like T.J. Maxx and HomeGoods for discounted pricing. 

Whether you’re a décor enthusiast like me, or a first time home owner just getting started, creating a relaxing place to unwind can be possible on any budget with a little creativity. The trick is to just get started! 


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