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Journey - BYU International Folk Dance Ensemble
Tickets are now available for BYU International Folk Dance Ensemble to be held at the Idaho Falls Civic Center on February 9th.
February 09, 2019 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Since 1964, the ensemble has represented the United States and American culture at folk dance festivals throughout the world, including the festival held in conjunction with the 1988 Seoul Olympics, and the festivals in Haifa, Israel; Confolens, France; and Billingham, England. In addition, the group regularly presents its international repertoire throughout the United States and Canada. Regardless of focus–international or American– Folk Dance Ensemble is highly acclaimed by thousands for its skillful dancing, artistry, and energy. With a beautiful array of ethnic costumes and props, International Folk Dance Ensemble presents a program of dances from more than a dozen nations, including Ukraine, Russia, Korea, Poland, Mexico, and the United States.
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