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Catching Up with the Past

Published online: Sep 21, 2017 Articles, Events, Family Fun Guide Steve Smede
Viewed 5548 time(s)

Here's a blast from the past for local high school pigskin fanatics. Remember this photo from the 2010 Emotion Bowl nail-biter?

Here's the big question: Was the receiver's left foot touching the turf?

My daughter, a Skyline student, spotted the image on my computer screen right after the game. You can guess her answer.

Later that night, unbeknownst to Yours Truly, she covertly copied the image and posted it on her Facebook page. That action alone could have lit its own firestorm, but what really hammered it home was her comment, which went something like, "Look at this! My dad is a pro photographer and this proves Skyline should have won. Go Grizz!!!"

The next morning, my phone started ringing off the hook with interview requests from every media outlet in the valley. I believe the first was Z103's Brad Collins, who started off with, “Dude. DUDE. Tell me you didn't Photoshop that thing.”

As the day wore on, it spurred some other interesting reactions. One close family member urged me to relocate to a hotel for a few days. In Malad.

There were also more than a few public accusations of Photoshop fakery (including one in particular from a local educator who should have known better, but I digress.)

The original raw file was even submitted to the local paper's photo department for analysis. No joke.

Even seven years later, the image warrants a close look.

It appears to be the makings of a fair catch, right? But as many spectators may recall, the receiver was actually on his way UP and out, not down and in. That back foot appears to be tip-toeing the end zone, but it actually never touched the turf. (Fortunately, the Local News 8 camera operator caught the decisive moment up close.)

The spirited fallout was all in good fun, I suppose, but the experience was (and remains) a vivid reminder of just how passionate and energized this game can be. Skyline edged out the Tigers 26-23 that year, and the Grizzlies have since taken five of the last six bowls.

As you can imagine, I've been a bit skittish about photographing the Emotion Bowl over the past seven years. Still, I'm looking forward to another great game on Saturday, with or without camera in hand.

About the game: Tickets are available for $6 at both high schools through 4 p.m. Friday, and Ravsten's gates are set to open Saturday at noon.

Kick-off is at 2 p.m.

[Photo credit, like it or not: Steve Smede, Idaho Falls Magazine, Sept. 2010]


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