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Share your thoughts about Idaho Falls magazine

Published online: Nov 04, 2016
Viewed 978 time(s)

From compelling personality profiles to far-out adventures, dining hot-spots and in-depth event coverage, Idaho Falls magazine has covered just about every facet of life in Idaho Falls and eastern Idaho. 

We're quite proud of our publication, but of course, there's always room for improvement.

That's were YOU come in. Click HERE and help us out by completing our new readership survey. The input from this exercise will be directly used to help us map out our upcoming editorial calendars -- not just for Idaho Falls magazine itself, but also its myriad of related publications that cover the entire region.

Got ideas for stories, new departments, or special events to cover as we move forward?

Share your thoughts and you'll qualify for a drawing to win a $50 voucher from Sandpiper Restaurant and a one-year subscription to the magazine.


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